[SalesForce] Salesforce Javascript Test for Blank Field

I'm working on an inline visualforce page that is embedded into a standard lead detail record. I'm using javascript logic on the vf page to get the value of a field and then, depending on the value retrieved, display different messages. The issue I'm a having is that I'm not able to test in the javascript whether the field is null/blank/''/"".

My code looks like:

<div id="divFDNC"></div>

    <script language="javascript">

          var gIE = document.all ? true:false;
          if({!Lead.Checkbox__c} == true){

            if({!Lead.Custom_Status__c} == '00' || {!Lead.Custom_Status__c} == ''){
               document.getElementById('divFDNC').innerHTML = '<font style="font-size: 11px;" class="FDNC_Message">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>MY MESSAGE</b></font>'
               document.getElementById('divFDNC').innerHTML = '<font style="font-size: 11px;" class="FDNC_Message">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>MY MESSAGE 2</b></font>'

The message works when I enter '00' into the Custom_Status__c field. However, when the Custom_Status__c field is blank, then it doesn't display the message like it should. I've tried the following to get it to work (no luck on any of them):

'{!Lead.Custom_Status__c}' == '' / null / NaN / undefined

"{!Lead.Custom_Status__c}" == "" / null / NaN / undefined

{!Lead.Custom_Status__c} == '' / null / NaN / undefined

Does anyone know how to properly test that a field is blank, using javascript? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Best Answer

Anything that doesn't strictly evaluate to a native value should be enclosed in quotes, and you should also escape those values to avoid XSS injection attacks.

I would personally write the following code:

if({!OR(Lead.Custom_Status__c = '00', ISBLANK(Lead.Custom_Status__c))}) {

Salesforce will evaluate this to


when the status is blank or set to 00, and



Alternatively, if you want to use the value directly, make sure you use JSENCODE:

var customStatus = "{!JSENCODE(Lead.Custom_Status__c)}";
if(customStatus == "00" || !customStatus) {
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