[SalesForce] Salesforce Platform Developer II Exam

I'm planning for Salesforce Platform Developer II Certification. How many steps are required for this certification.

These are 3 steps:

  1. Multiple-choice Exam
  2. Programming Assignment
  3. Essay Exam

For this certification all these steps are required or number 1st step is required only (For this certification)?

Best Answer

If you check out Salesforce certification page and click the Platform Developer II tab, you will see the following:

So if you check out the Study Guide, you will see the following:

The Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II program has multiple components. A candidate must pass the multiple-choice/multiple-select proctored exam to move on to the performance-based component. To earn this credential, a candidate must successfully complete all components.

So basically you have to pass all three of them, but you may only start with the multiple-choice