[SalesForce] Salesforce Sites – FeedItem requires a filter by Id

I get an error message when I try to do a Javascript Remote soql query on FeedItems through "sites". It works perfect when I do this within salesforce with a standard user but it doesn't work through "sites" with public access.

Error Message:
Visualforce Remoting Exception: Implementation restriction: FeedItem requires a filter by Id
FeedItem requires a filter by Id

This is the Remote Function which I use:

public static List<FeedItem> getFIexternal(String quId) {
    List<FeedItem>               FIApp = new List<FeedItem>();
    List<QO_ApprovalLineItem__c> AppLi = new List<QO_ApprovalLineItem__c>();
    AppLi = [select id from QO_ApprovalLineItem__c where Quote__c =: quId];
    if(AppLi.size() > 0){
        FIApp   = [
            select Body, CreatedDate, InsertedById, InsertedBy.name 
            from FeedItem 
            where ParentId =: AppLi[0].Id order by CreatedDate desc limit 100
    return  FIApp;

Best Answer

it is possible to do the soql query on FeedItem without javascript remoting. I can use on the visualforce page to create the table.

this works with a salesforce user and with public access through "sites"