[SalesForce] Salesforce VScode retrieve from org “Cannot read property ‘split’ of undefined”

I was using the "Retrieve source in manifest from org" command for the resources in package.xml file. However when I executed the command it failed saying "Starting SFDX: Retrieve Source from Org Cannot read property 'split' of undefined". There are no errors in the package file. I have authorized the org, reinstalled salesforce extension and the issue remains.

Best Answer

Found the solution here : https://trailblazers.salesforce.com/answers?id=9064S000000kFosQAE

Karol Dylewski
Issue started with new Salesforce CLI Integration extension pack update.

As a solution, install previous version of this package

1. VScode -> Extensions (ctr shift x)
2. Find Salesforce CLI Integration
3. Click Uninstall dropdown, and then Install Another Version
4. I tried with 51.8.0 and now it works