[SalesForce] Salesforce1 Smart Search on Navigation menu

Having trouble customizing Smart Search for the SF1 Navigation menu. In short, 'pinning' the object controls whether or not that object shows on the menu. My problem is this is not consistent across all my users. For one user it works perfect (I can control the menu items 100%), for others I can not (menu shows all of the objects, not just the 'pinned' objects). I've tried everything, using same Profile, same Role, same user settings. I'm at a loss and could use some expert help.

Best Answer

Pinned objects are only part of the list of Smart Scope objects. Any other objects that the user has been interacting with over a period of time (including page views and clicks on search results) are automatically added to the Smart Scope, in addition to any pinned objects.

For the user where only the pinned objects are showing up, if they are a new user or don't have a lot of other activity in the system on other objects, that might be why no other objects are showing up.

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