[SalesForce] Selected state of Radio Button In Visualforce Page

Attempt to clarify: In my Visualforce page I have 3 radio buttons and 2 text fields. If I select the first radio button automatically field 1 is shown and field 2 is hidden.

I select radio button 1 & field 1 and save into the database. When I edit the previously saved data, radio button 1 is not selected. How can I make it selected in edit mode?

 <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" title="Shipping Information">
 <apex:selectRadio value="{!Quote__c.shipping_type__c}" onChange="show(this.value);">
 <apex:selectOption itemLabel="Use Store Settings" itemValue="0"  />
 <apex:selectOption itemLabel="Per Item" itemValue="1" />
 <apex:selectOption itemLabel="Fixed Price Per Order" itemValue="2"/>

     <apex:inputField value="{!Quote__c.storeprice__c}" id="defaultcost" style="display:block;"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Quote__c.price__c}" id="differcost" style="display:none;"/>

  function show(t)
   if ( t == 0 ){


Best Answer

Here is a simple construction that mirrors what you are trying to do

<apex:page standardcontroller="Foo__c" >
<apex:selectRadio value="{!Foo__c.RadioOptionVal__c}">
  <apex:selectOption itemLabel="Value 1" itemValue="1"/>
  <apex:selectOption itemLabel="Value 2" itemValue="2"/>
  <apex:selectOption itemLabel="Value 3" itemValue="3"/>

where Foo__c.radioOptionVal__c is a picklist with values '1', '2', '3'

  1. If I invoke the page using /apex/foo?id=someFooId ..
  2. VF will fetch the current value of radioOptionVal__c from the database ...
  3. If that value is a string of either '1', '2', or '3', then the proper radio button is defaulted. If the value in the database is null or something other than '1', '2', or '3', then no radio button is defaulted
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