[SalesForce] Set Product for new opportunity lineitem

in a trigger i'am going to create a new opportunitylineitem for an opportunity:

                 OpportunityLineItem newOpptLineItem = new OpportunityLineItem();
                 newOpptLineItem.OpportunityId = opptInserted.Id;
                 newOpptLineItem.=cs.OppProductCpvId__c; // FOR GIGABYTE
                 newOpptLineItem.Quantity = 1;                   
                 newOpptLineItem.PricebookEntryId = peWEBinteractive.Id;

I want to set up a product for this new opportunitylineitem.

newOpptLineItem.ProductId isn't available.

Thanks in advantage for any advice.

Best Answer

OpportunityLineItems lookup to a PriceBookEntry rather than a Product.

PriceBookEntry is a junction object between PriceBook and Product. This is so that you can list the same Product in multiple PriceBooks to cater for various currencies / commercial offering.

I've explained this in a past answer with a diagram.

You will therefore need to set the PriceBookEntryId rather than the ProductId, which I see you are already doing. You therefore should just get rid of this line, and the association to the Product happens via the PriceBookEntry relationship.