[SalesForce] shortcut way to remove null records from List

How to remove null or empty values from list in apex.I know i could do that with while or for loop.Is there any shortcut way or method available to remove empty and null values in a list?

Best Answer

Do you really need a list, or can you use a set?

// create a list for testing
list<string> aStringList = new list<string> { 'one', 'two', null, 'two', '', 'three' };

// create a set from the list
set<string> aStringSet = new set<string>(aStringList);

// remove blanks and nulls

// convert back to list
aStringList = new list<string>(aStringSet);

The output is:

DrozBook:fsb-maintenance tgagne$ force apex < tooter | grep debug\|
08:25:47.17 (18105078)|USER_DEBUG|[3]|DEBUG|(one, two, null, two, , three)
08:25:47.17 (18243825)|USER_DEBUG|[14]|DEBUG|(one, two, three)
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