[SalesForce] SOAP webservice connection getting: no access allow to this class

I'm pretty new to salesforce and SOAP but here goes. I've made a connection to my site and then passed in the config to my webservice's object. This goes fine. But then I get this error:

com.sforce.ws.SoapFaultException: my_web_service: no access allowed to this class

Can anyone recommend where I can figure out what settings I need to change to allow this to go through? Like is it a setting in the webservice I'm accessing or is it a setting on the user making the call?

Best Answer

Check the profile of the user you're running the SOAP call as. On the profile view screen near the bottom is a list of "Enabled Apex Class Access" - make sure your class is in this list.

You only need to make the entry point available, e.g. if your web service class makes method calls to another class only the webserivce class would need to be added here.