[SalesForce] SOQL query 101 error when calling trigger. Want to fix using Batch Apex. Is it feasible

I've created a trigger for an Opportunity object that updates a lookup field with the value of the ownerID.

Here is the trigger code:

trigger trig_Opportunity_CreateOppOwner on Opportunity (before update,before insert) {

    List<id>OppsID = new List<id>(); //List that will hold all id of all new Opportunities owners

    for(Opportunity Opp:Trigger.new){ //Loop that only retrives new versions of the Opportunity 
        else if (trigger.oldMap.get(Opp.id).Op_Owner__c != trigger.oldMap.get(Opp.id).OwnerId)//trigger.isInsert and trigger.isUpdate added to account when it's null, avoids NullPointerException. Now all inserted opportunities are processed.           
            OppsId.add(Opp.ID);//adds all new opportunity owners to OppsId list. //Checks to see if they are new owners and not already on the owner list. 
    List<Opportunity> oppsFromDb =  [SELECT id, OwnerId FROM Opportunity WHERE id IN:OppsID];   

    for(Opportunity useOpps:oppsFromDb){                            
        trigger.newMap.get(useOpps.Id).Op_Owner__c = useOpps.OwnerId;

This trigger works, but when I test a Talend batch file that would update 2000 Opportunity records per request with an approximate total of 10,000 Opportunities, it gives me a SOQL query 101 error because the trigger is automatically called and goes over the 100 SQL query limit.

I was thinking of fixing it using a batch apex file process. Here is what the pseudocode would look like:

        if(OppsID.size() <= 100) {
     List<Opportunity> oppsFromDb =  [SELECT id, OwnerId FROM Opportunity WHERE id IN:OppsID];   

        for(Opportunity useOpps:oppsFromDb){                            
            trigger.newMap.get(useOpps.Id).Op_Owner__c = useOpps.OwnerId;

else {
//Call a batch apex class that would handle it}

Would this be a correct approach to take to try and bypass this problem?

Best Answer

Based on the comments, it looks like there isn't anything wrong with the trigger posted. There appears to be another trigger also firing that is causing the issue.

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