[SalesForce] SOQL Query for Contacts (Related to the Account) & Opportunity Contact Roles – In a LWC (Lightning Web Component)

For a given opportunity I would like a list of all contacts related to that opportunities Account & all of the opportunitycontactroles.

For example: if account a has three contacts and two of them have opportunity contact roles (for the opportunity that I am currently viewing)

Contact Name:     Opp Contact Role
Bob               Purchaser
Frank             Influencer
Mary              N/A or Null

This query would live on the the Opportunity record and be displayed via a LWC (lightning Web Component).

I have a working state querying All contacts from the Account onto the opportunity but would like to add that additional layer to show the opportunitycontactrole (if applicable)

I created a new Apex Class:

public class ContactList2 {

public static List<contact> getContactList(string accountId, string opportunityId) {
    return [
        SELECT Id, Name, Phone, Email, MobilePhone, (SELECT Role FROM OpportunityContactRoles where OpportunityId =: opportunityId) 
        FROM Contact 
        WHERE AccountId =:accountId


Here is the JS LWC Call:

import { LightningElement, wire, api, track } from 'lwc';
// V2 w/ Contact Role Information
import getContactList2 from '@salesforce/apex/ContactList2.getContactList';

// Import Record Information
import { getRecord, getFieldValue } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';

import ACC_ID from '@salesforce/schema/Opportunity.AccountId';
var accountId;

export default class ContactInformation extends NavigationMixin(LightningElement) {

    @api recordId; // Grab the Record Id
    @api objectApiName; // Grab the Objects API Name
    //@track columns = columns; // ASSIGN COLUMNS VAR

    @track accId;

    @wire(getRecord, {recordId: '$recordId', fields: [ACC_ID] })
    account({error, data}) {
        if(data) {

            this.accId = getFieldValue(data, ACC_ID);

            // Log Values for Account Id of Opportunity
            console.log("Account Id from Contact List:")
            accountId = this.accId;

        } else if (error) {

            // Log Error

    @wire(getContactList2, {accountId: '$accountId', opportunityId: '$recordId' }) 
    contacts({error, data}){
        if(data) {
            console.log('Contact Query Data:');
        } else if(error) {
            console.log('Contact Query ERROR:');
        } else {
            console.log('Contact Query UNKNOWN')

When I log the return – I am getting the value of "Contact Query UNKNOWN". This makes me believe that there is an issue the APEX that I created for the custom data query. Would a list of "Contact" work as this is actually a combination of two objects of data?

I am able to run this query in the Query Editor in Dev Console and return data:

SELECT Id, Name, Phone, Email, MobilePhone, (SELECT Role FROM OpportunityContactRoles where OpportunityId = 'OPPORTUNITY ID') 
FROM Contact 

When doing the above Query I did not that the resilt of the OpportunityContactRoles came back as an array of an object, would this cause an issue? Example result in the column when data is present:

[{"Role":"Business User"}]

In addition, would the way I am passing the two record Ids (Account Id and Opp Id) from the LWC JS to the Apex cause an issue? Is that being done correctly?

Best Answer

For directly related contacts to Opportunities, you can access the Contact fields as well as the role within the subquery on OpportunityContactRoles when doing the SOQL on the Opportunity:

SELECT Id, Name, 
       (SELECT Id, ContactId, Contact.FirstName, Role FROM OpportunityContactRoles) 
  FROM Opportunity

I don't think there's a direct way with one SOQL query to get the other account contacts who are not associated with Opportunities.

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