[SalesForce] SOQL query to show contacts and accounts located within a state that have a certain custom object relationship

I'm trying to create an SOQL query with a subquery to show contacts and accounts located within a state that have a certain custom object relationship:

Here is my code:

    public with sharing class AccountsinPlacesExt {

        public Place__c place { get; private set; }
        public List<Account> inPlaceAccounts { get; private set; }
        public AccountsinPlacesExt(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
            // add the Place__c field that tells you which state
            List<String> neededFields = new List<String> { 'City__c','State_Code__c' };
            if (!Test.isRunningTest()) controller.addFields(neededFields);
            place = (Place__c)controller.getRecord();

           if (place.City__c != null) {
           // search for city and state match
                inPlaceAccounts = [ 
                    SELECT Id,Name,Our_Role_Service_Affiliation_for_Account__r,(SELECT Name FROM Contacts) FROM Account WHERE Our_Role_Count__c > 0 AND BillingCity = :place.City__c AND BillingState = :place.State_Code__c AND Id IN (SELECT Account__c FROM Our_Role_Service_Affiliation_for_Account__c WHERE Our_Role__r.Name != 'Outreach')
           } else {
           //search for only state match
                inPlaceAccounts = [
    SELECT Id,Name,Our_Role_Service_Affiliation_for_Account__r,(SELECT Name FROM Contacts) FROM Account WHERE Our_Role_Count__c > 0 AND BillingState = :place.State_Code__c AND Id IN (SELECT Account__c FROM Our_Role_Service_Affiliation_for_Account__c WHERE Our_Role__r.Name != 'Outreach')
           // end else


Now I'm still seeing:

I tried but it isn't working now. even in the dev console I'm seeing an error: SELECT Id,Name,Our_Role_Service_Affiliation_for_Account__r ^

ERROR at Row:1:Column:16 No such column
'Our_Role_Service_Affiliation_for_Account__r' on entity 'Account'. If
you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c'
after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the
describe call for the appropriate names.

Best Answer

When you try to filter results based on a separate query, that is called a Left Inner Join.

(SELECT Position__c FROM Job_Application__c)

When you try to pull in parent fields in a SELECT clause, it's called a Right Outer Join.

SELECT Name, Position__r.Department__c FROM Job_Application__c

You cannot combine these types of join. But you're needlessly complicating things, since SomeLookup__r.Id is always the same value as SomeLookup__c. So in this case, just use that. You also have to remove all other fields, the only field you are allowed to have in a Left Inner Join query is the field you are filtering on. So change your join to:

(SELECT Account__c FROM Our_Role_Service_Affiliation_for_Account__c WHERE Our_Role__r.Name != 'Outreach')

Any fields you want to retrieve from the queried records must be in the top-level SELECT clause.

SELECT Name, OtherFieldsToRetrieve__c FROM Account
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