[SalesForce] SQL convert text to date and minus 1day ago query

I'm trying to convert a text field to date and only pull back records that have a date of yesterday but getting zero records back. I've converted the text to date part but can't get the where clause working and not sure where I'm going wrong.

SQL Query:

convert(varchar, REQUEST_DATE ,101) as REQUEST_DATE1
FROM  temp
Where convert(varchar, REQUEST_DATE ,101) > DATEADD(DAY,-1,getdate())

Best Answer

If you just want rows from yesterday, you can do something like this:

convert(date, request_date) as request_date1
from temp
where convert(date, request_date) >= convert(date, getdate()-1)
and convert(date, request_date) < convert(date, getdate())

If your request_date is actually a date datatype in SFMC, then you can simplify it like this:

from temp
where request_date >= convert(date, getdate()-1)
and request_date < convert(date, getdate())
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