[SalesForce] SublimeText Salesforce IDE Plugin

Is anyone familiar with the Salesforce IDE plugin for SublimeText? I have installed it, added my login_url, username and password but it says

Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.

. I have even reset my security token and then inserted that too but I'm having no luck getting it to work.

Project settings:

            "default": true,
            "login_url": "https://test.salesforce.com",
            "password": "password",
            "security_token": "abcdefghijk123456789",
            "username": "myusername@email.com"

2nd Edit:
Says login succesful in the status bar now when switching project, but I cannot see any of my pages, triggers or classes.

3rd Edit:

sandbox is the default project now.

reloading Packages/User/toolingapi.sublime-settings

Login Succeed

sandbox is the default project now.

Login Succeed

reloading Packages/User/toolingapi.sublime-settings
reloading Packages/User/component_metadata.sublime-settings

sObjects Cache are saved to Local

reloading Packages/User/sobjects_completion.sublime-settings
reloading Packages/User/symbol_table.sublime-settings

sandbox is the default project now.

Login Succeed

reloading Packages/User/toolingapi.sublime-settings

Best Answer

You know, I am in china behind the GFW, I can't see the Human Beings Verification alert, so I need to use VPN to answer your question, sorry about that.

You need to click new > new project to download the apex code, switch project just switch but not create project.