[SalesForce] “Subscribe to Reports” Permission in Spring ’17 Release

Could you help me, please?

With the Spring '17 release, there is a new permission "Subscribe to Reports" (Subscribe to reports in Lightning Experience to schedule report refreshes and send notifications).

This has been automatically set as true in all permission sets with the permission "Run Reports" set as true.

This has, however, led to a problem: I cannot assign this permission set to users with a platform license. I get the following error:

Please fix the following:

Can't assign permission set ReportsDashboardsUser to user "XXXX". The user license doesn't allow the permission: Subscribe to Reports

What is strange also is that some of these users already have a permission set with "Subscribe to Reports" set as true and no error occured on the upgrade to Spring '17.

We have not enabled Lightning, we are only running "Classic".

So here are my questions:

  1. Is the permission "Subscribe to Reports" automatically set with the Spring '17 upgrade when one already has the permission "Run Reports" set as true?
  2. Should the functionality "Subscribe to Reports" work for platform license users?

Thank you for reading – if you can solve my issues, that would be great!

Best Answer

On profiles & Permission sets with a Salesforce platform license,you can set the "Subscribe to Reports" to false by following the steps on the user interface :

  1. Remove the “Lightning experience user” + “Run Report” permissions + save => "Subscribe to Reports”is set to FALSE
  2. Edit again and tick Run Report : "Subscribe to Reports”is still FALSE.

Hope it helps