[SalesForce] sum the total value of 3 columns in a data extension

I have 3 Fields showing 'number of rewards' available that are decimal inputs.

Is there a way I can display a sum of the 3 columns in a field in a data extension so that number can be used in email personalisation?


Field a - 2
Field b - 6
Field c - 1

Total - 8

Alternatively, is this possible with AMP script?

also, is it possible to combine with a Lookup if data is stored in a separate table and linked through a contact id?

EG – %%[set @contactId =[ContactId]]%%

Something like:

%%[set @contactId =[ContactId]]%%
%%[set @field1 =[%%=Lookup('othertable','field1','ContactID',@contactId)=%%]
%%[set @field2 =[%%=Lookup('othertable','field1','ContactID',@contactId)=%%]
SET @total = Add(field1,field2)

disclaimer – this doesn't work, but an example of what I'm trying to pull off!

Best Answer

Yep, this is possible via ampscript and SQL. For SQL you would need to run a query as a update. This should work:

SELECT (field1+field2+field3) AS TotalSum 
FROM TableName

Ampscript solution using the Add function (assuming field1 and field 2 are in sendable DE)

SET @total = Add(field1,field2)
SET @total = Add(@total,field3)

Rounding to the nearest whole number can be achieved using the FormatNumber function in Ampscript

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