[SalesForce] System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: 2, Actual: 3

Earlier this is working with 3 but due to few modifications to this class, Now it is not working. What would be the problem if i change like

System.assertEquals(lAccrSaleConShare.size(), 2);

Best Answer

Don't follow the example set by this code.

  • The syntax is system.assertEquals(expected_value, actual_value, message).
    • In the assertions above, expected_value and actual_value are flipped.
    • While the message argument is optional, it is highly recommended and might have helped you here.
  • When using magic numbers in your unit tests, you can give them more meaning by making them constants. Most of my test classes have a line static final Integer RECORD_COUNT = Limits.getLimitQueries() + 1, which you could use in place of 3.
  • You aren't even testing the setManualShareAfterInsert method. You're testing a trigger somewhere, which you haven't shared with us.
  • Same goes for the setManualShareAfterUpdate method.

I can't tell you how to get your unit test working. I can't even tell if your code should work as advertised. But you might have some luck by working on Separation Of Concerns. You could break out a few discrete tasks and verify they work as expected, then build on that. The key to unit testing is to test small units of code.

I have found trying to build on top of code that tries to do dozens of things in one method is just not tenable. Here's a start for how I would refactor:

public static Set<Id> pluckIds(String field, List<SObject> records)
    Set<Id> ids = new Set<Id>();
    for (SObject record : records)
    return ids;
public static Map<Id, Accreditation__c> getAccreditations(List<Accreditation_Sales_Contact__c>  records)
    return new Map<Id, Accreditation>([
        SELECT Id, Name, Account__r.Partner_Community_User_Role_ID__c
        FROM Accreditation__c
        WHERE Id IN :pluckIds('Accreditation__c', records)
    // if you query the Account__r.Partner_Community_User_Role_ID__c field,
    // you don't even need to query Account at all, just reference this way

Anyway, that's probably not the answer you were looking for, but hopefully it will help you to some extent.

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