[SalesForce] System.debug does not output when written in trigger

I have the following trigger:

trigger HelloWorldTrigger on Account (before insert) {
    System.debug('Hello World!');

I checked that the trigger code is saved. Now I run the following anonymous apex:

Account a = new Account(Name='Test Trigger');
insert a;

After the anonymous apex is run I am presented with the log view (I am using Developer console here). So, in the log view I select Debug Only and hope to see the text Hello World!. I expect it to happen because my anonymous apex inserted a new record of type Account and hence the trigger should have run and output the Hello World!. But I do not see the text. What am I doing wrong here?

I will attach a few screenshots of the process described above:

enter image description here

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Here is a similar question. It is telling:

In your debug level check in Apex code debug is set

So, I go to Debug -> Change Log Levels.. and I get confused: I do not know what exactly should I change here.
enter image description here

Another thing to do inferring from the question provided is to check the log size. I did not know how to do that, but the question tells:

its on debug log page. You will find the debug size in bytes. You need to convert them.

I am looking at the log page an do not see any debug size information there:

enter image description here

Help me, please. I want to see this Hello World! text in my log.

Here is the Trailhead module which I was learning before encountering the issue.

Here are the screenshots of me trying to tweak the debug log using the Setup:

enter image description here
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After this I go to developer console and try to do the same things and getting the same result (no output is generated).

Best Answer

It works for me. The only things to keep in mind here are:

  1. 'Apex Code' is set to at 'Debug' in Debug Level.
  2. The log size is not greater than 2MB.
  3. The user you want the logs for has a valid entry in debug logs: Start Date and Expiration Date.

enter image description here

Still no dice? Try setting all log categories to 'None' in your debug level and set just Apex Code to 'Error' and try:

System.debug(logginglevel.ERROR, '---------------> Hello World!');