[SalesForce] System.LimitException: You can’t run more than 500 reports synchronously every 60 minutes

I am getting an error

System.LimitException: You can't run more than 500 reports synchronously every 60 minutes. Try again later.

is there any way to get filtered report Json without analytics API ?
or any way to Overcome this Limit ?

Best Answer

According to Salesforce1 Reporting REST API Limits (Extract):

Salesforce1 Reporting REST API has the following limitations:
Reports API Limits

  • Your organization can request up to 500 synchronous report runs per hour.
  • Your organization can request up to 1,200 asynchronous requests per hour.

So, either:

  1. you switch to asynchronous requests to get a greater hourly limit, or
  2. you ask your Salesforce Account Rep and/or support nicely to see if there is some Org based limit they can adjust for you. This may or may not be possible.
  3. you switch to using SOQL queries to retrieve the same data via the REST API. This will also return the data in JSON based on the HTTP ACCEPT header that you use.

I suspect options 1 or 3 would be the easiest.

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