[SalesForce] Test class error – Field is not writeable: OpportunityPartner.OpportunityId

I am trying to write a test class for a tigger and ansure why I am getting the following error –

Field is not writeable: OpportunityPartner.OpportunityId at line 40
column 68

// test 2: 1 opppart, not End-User == null

OpportunityPartner opppart1 = new OpportunityPartner(OPPORTUNITYID=o.id, ACCOUNTTOID=a1.id, role='Consultant');

insert opppart1;

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

Full Class

private class Populate_Partner_onOpp_fromopppart {

    static testMethod void EndUserPartnerTest() {
        // create test account

        Account a1 = new Account(Name = 'My Account A', Industry = 'School Bus', Phone = '9996661234', Territory__c = 'School Bus - Canada', Status__c = 'customer', Price_Level__c = 'standard', 
BillingStreet = 'to come', BillingCity = 'to come', BillingCountry = 'canada', BillingPostalCode = '90210', BillingState = 'Alberta', 
ShippingStreet = 'to come', ShippingCity = 'to come', ShippingCountry = 'canada', ShippingPostalCode = '90210', ShippingState = 'Alberta' );
        insert a1;   

        Account a2 = new Account(Name = 'My Account B', Industry = 'School Bus', Phone = '9996661234', Territory__c = 'School Bus - Canada', Status__c = 'customer', Price_Level__c = 'standard', 
BillingStreet = 'to come', BillingCity = 'to come', BillingCountry = 'canada', BillingPostalCode = '90210', BillingState = 'Alberta', 
ShippingStreet = 'to come', ShippingCity = 'to come', ShippingCountry = 'canada', ShippingPostalCode = '90210', ShippingState = 'Alberta' );
        insert a2;  

        Account a3 = new Account(Name = 'My Account C', Industry = 'School Bus', Phone = '9996661234', Territory__c = 'School Bus - Canada', Status__c = 'customer', Price_Level__c = 'standard', 
BillingStreet = 'to come', BillingCity = 'to come', BillingCountry = 'canada', BillingPostalCode = '90210', BillingState = 'Alberta', 
ShippingStreet = 'to come', ShippingCity = 'to come', ShippingCountry = 'canada', ShippingPostalCode = '90210', ShippingState = 'Alberta' );
        insert a3;  

        Account a4 = new Account(Name = 'My Account D', Industry = 'School Bus', Phone = '9996661234', Territory__c = 'School Bus - Canada', Status__c = 'customer', Price_Level__c = 'standard', 
BillingStreet = 'to come', BillingCity = 'to come', BillingCountry = 'canada', BillingPostalCode = '90210', BillingState = 'Alberta', 
ShippingStreet = 'to come', ShippingCity = 'to come', ShippingCountry = 'canada', ShippingPostalCode = '90210', ShippingState = 'Alberta' );
        insert a4;  

        // create test opp
        Opportunity o = new Opportunity(name='test Opp', closedate=system.today(), stagename='Initial Communication', Market__c = 'Transit', ACCOUNTID=a4.id);
        insert o;

        // test 1: no oppparts == null
        o = [select EndUser_Partner__c from opportunity where id=:o.id];
        o.description='initial test';
        update o;
        system.assert(o.EndUser_Partner__c == null);

        // test 2: 1 opppart, not End-User == null
        OpportunityPartner opppart1 = new OpportunityPartner(OPPORTUNITYID=o.id, ACCOUNTTOID=a1.id, role='Consultant');
        insert opppart1;
        opppart1 = [select createddate, opportunityid, ACCOUNTTOID, role, isprimary from OpportunityPartner where id = :opppart1.id];
        system.debug('************ opppart is:'+opppart1);
        update o;
        o = [select EndUser_Partner__c from opportunity where id=:o.id];
        system.assert(o.EndUser_Partner__c == null);

        // test 3: 1 opppart, End-User == c1
        opppart1.role == 'End-User';
        update opppart1;
        update o;
        o = [select EndUser_Partner__c from opportunity where id=:o.id];
        system.assert(o.EndUser_Partner__c == a1.id);

        // test 4: 2 opppart, 1 not End-User, 1 End-User == c2
        OpportunityPartner opppart2 = new OpportunityPartner(opportunityid=o.id, ACCOUNTTOID=a2.id, role='End-User', isprimary=true);
        insert opppart2;

        opppart2 = [select createddate, opportunityid, role, ACCOUNTTOID, isprimary from OpportunityPartner where id = :opppart2.id];
        opppart1.role == 'Consultant';
        update opppart1;

        update o;
        o = [select EndUser_Partner__c from opportunity where id=:o.id];
        system.assert(o.EndUser_Partner__c == a2.id);


Best Answer

OpportunityPartner records are read-only and are created automatically by Salesforce

when a Partner object is created for a partner relationship between an account and an opportunity.

Creating an Account-Opportunity Partner Relationship

When you create a partner relationship between an account and an opportunity (when you create a Partner object and specify the OpportunityId field), the API automatically creates an OpportunityPartner with the corresponding values:

  • The value of the Partner field AccountToId maps to the value of the OpportunityPartner field AccountToId.
  • The values of the OpportunityId, Role, and IsPrimary fields in both objects are the same.
  • If you set the IsPrimary value to 1 (true) upon insert of a new OpportunityPartner, any other existing primary partners for that opportunity will automatically have the IsPrimary value set to 0 (false).

Also, they share the 00I keyprefix with Partner. As such, I tend to think of them as a specialised view over Partner.

So you shouldn't need to explicitly insert the record during a test case. The Partner object that you insert will have accountToId to an Account and opportunityId to an Opportunity on a different Account.

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