[SalesForce] Test Classes are included in code coverage

I've looked at a few questions but couldn't find the responses that worked for me. I've attached a screenshot of my classes and all of their code coverage. Any class ending in test is a test class.

Salesforce is counting my test classes as coverage. I'm at 59% according to them but 72% with non-test classes included.

I've included a test class example to see if there is something I did wrong.

public class MobileActivityControllerTest {

    static testmethod void testExistingWorkday(){
        mobileActivityController mobile = new mobileactivityController();
        mobile.geoLat = 0.0;
        mobile.geoLong = 0.0;
        mobile.owner = [select id, name from user limit 1];

        workday__c myWd = createWorkday();
        insert myWd;
        list<Activity__c> myActs = createActivities(myWd);
        insert myActs;
        mywd.Work_Date__c = date.today();
        update mywd;


    static list<activity__C> createActivities(workday__c wd)
        list<activity__c> myActs = new list<activity__c>();
        myActs.add(new Activity__c(workday__c = wd.Id, end_workday_activity__c = true));
        myActs.add(new Activity__c(workday__c = wd.Id, start_workday_activity__c = true));
        myActs.add(new Activity__c(workday__c = wd.Id, 
                                  city__c = 'madison',
                                  zip_code__c = '35344',
                                  check_in_time__c = datetime.valueOf('1954-01-01 20:03:20'),
                                 check_out_time__c = datetime.valueOf('1954-01-01 20:03:20'),
                                 GeoCode__Latitude__s = -2.0,
                                GeoCode__Longitude__s = -2.0));
        myActs.add(new Activity__c(workday__c = wd.Id));
        return myActs;

    static workday__c createWorkday()
        workday__c myWD = new workday__c();       
        myWd.Name = 'asdf';
        mywd.Work_Date__c = date.valueof('1954-01-01');
        myWd.OwnerId = UserInfo.getUserId();
        return myWd;        


Code coverage


Best Answer

This is a quirk of some developer/sandbox organizations. I ran up against it when taking the Adv Dev programming exam. When you push to production, it will adjust to exclude any methods (helper or @isTest) when you go for a production deployment.

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