[SalesForce] Text in RTF field is cropped in PDF

I have custom RTF field in a custom object which would have long formatted text. The text is cropped to certain width in the generated PDF.

I noticed that width of the table in rich text is set to some px automatically. I tried to overide using the following style, but no use:

.sfdc_richtext table{
   width: 100%;

The Visualforce Page:

 <apex:page standardController="Territory_Target_Sheet__c" renderAs="pdf">
    <style type="text/css">
        @page {            
            @top-right {
                content: "Page " counter(page) " of " counter(pages);
            margin:2em 1em 6em;     
        body{font-family: Arial Unicode MS;}
         .sfdc_richtext table{
              width: 100%; !important; 
               overflow: auto;
             position: absolute
    <apex:messages />

   <apex:outputField value="{!Territory__c.Special_notes__c}" />


could you please help me on this?

Best Answer

You should try width: 100% !important.