[SalesForce] the coalesce() eqivalent

Much like this post here: SOQL: Avoid count with NULL results return 0 (zero) instead

I have an instance where I am using aggregate functions like COUNT() and MAX() on a collection of Opportunities. These work just fine as long as my WHERE conditions don't filter out all opportunities, unfortunately if there are no rows to aggregate then my query returns 0 rows rather than returning 1 row as expected with the aggregate columns equal to '0'

The answer in the original response spoke of the coalesce() function. From what I can tell that is not a Salesforce method available to me. So is there an equivalent? How do I get my expected row returned with 0 values rather than null?

Here is an example of my SOQL:

SELECT AccountId, COUNT(Id) Invoices, AVG(Days_Past_Due__c) Average, Max(Days_Past_Due__c) Max
FROM Opportunity
WHERE AccountId IN :accountIds
AND IsDeleted = FALSE
AND {more conditions}
GROUP BY AccountId 

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide here

Best Answer

No. There's no way to get the results you're looking for. SOQL is a very limited query language that isn't as robust as full SQL, although it handles relationships easier than SQL.