[SalesForce] the Username and Password when I CLONE a sandbox

  • Clone a Sandbox is a new feature as of, I think, March 2018.
  • I am cloning .dev sandbox.
  • My prod username is first.last@company.com.prod (i know this username is stupid, but it is the situation)
  • My .dev username is first.last@company.com.dev

I know there is an issue with logging into cloned sandboxes
But the workaround is to login at:

  • What is my username and which box would my password have come from?

Seems like a silly question but the I cannot get access, have tried every combination, and forgot password.
Next is to create another sandbox.
Never got an email when the sandbox was created, so it is like my email was also obfuscated.
hoping sandbox just replicates in a few hours.

  • Anyway… What is my expected username and which box would my
    password have come from?

Best Answer

So after testing in Another org logging in worked just fine, using this username as expected. first.last@company.com.prod.newsandbox

typically people would use the below convention as most of you would not have .prod on your prod login.


I assume my password came from prod also (like the user name), in my second test my sandbox and prod passwords were the same as each other

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