[SalesForce] Timezone issue with Datetime field in salesforce

I have a custom field of type datetime on a custom object. I want to show this field as it is regardless of timezone. As of now, salesforce converts value to user's current timezone while showing on VF page or on standard salesforce pages. Is there any way to avoid that?

Suppose that I am in T1 timezone and I create a record in which datetime field value is 3/10/2013 8:30AM. Now another user from T2 timezone logs in and views the same record. Will he see it as 3/10/2013 8:30AM or conversion will be applied. I want this field to be shown 3/10/2013 8:30AM regardless of user's timezone.

Best Answer

The datetime will be converted to the logged-in users local timezone if you use apex:outputField to render your date.

You have to use apex:outputText if you don't want any conversion, which means it will be shown in GMT.

It seems you want to convert the datetime to the record creator's timezone for other users? I am not sure why you would want to do that, but if yes you will have to use Apex to get the timezone of the record creator and convert that before displaying to other users.