[SalesForce] Trigger – SObject.addError with html tags always escape

I believe it's a known issue, but I was wondering if there is still no work around this.

In my trigger, sobject.addError always escape my html tags even if I set escape to false.
This is really annoying. I would love to make the error message a bit more friendly when a user try to delete an event.

trigger EventTrigger on Event (before delete) {
    for (Event item : Trigger.old){
        if(item.EndDateTime < System.now() || item.ActivityDate < System.now()){
            item.addError('<span color="red"><b>YOU CANNOT DELETE THIS EVENT</b></span>',false);

Best Answer

This is fixed now. You can set escape to false for delete triggers now. But they applied a condition here that this would only work in classic, not in lightning, not in salesforce1. Other than classic String would always be escaped.

I wrote an answer here which you can read as well for the same.

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