[SalesForce] Trigger working like a validation rule

I have a trigger on a custom object called CustomActivity__c that calls a class on before insert and before update. I have a custom object similar to Opportunity Teams (StudyTeam__c) where there is a record for every User who has access to a record for a custom object called Study__c. StudyTeam__c and CustomActivity__c are child objects of master Study__c. StudyTeam__c and CustomActivity__c both have lookups to the standard User object, the fields being User__c.

A Validation Rule will not work because of the object relationships. I need code to evaluate that the User lookup ID indicated on CustomActivity__c record matches a User lookup ID indicated on any of the StudyTeam__c records for the Study__c. If the User lookup on CustomActivity__c does not match the User lookup on a StudyTeam__c record for the Study__c, then the system should throw an error saying "Only team members can be assigned to the activity."

Can you help me with the class? I don't have much written because I don't know how to write code well.

I assume it'll be:

  1. Get a list of StudyTeam__c records for the Study__c
  2. Compare if User__c for CustomActivity__c matches User__c for StudyTeam__c in the list of StudyTeam__c records
  3. If FALSE, display an error message


    trigger CustomActivityTrigger on CustomActivity__c (after insert, after update, after undelete, after delete, before insert, before update, before delete) {

        if(trigger.isBefore && (trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate)){



    public class CustomActivityUserValidation {

        public static void validation(List<CustomActivity__c> val) {

            Set<Id> studyIds = new Set<Id>();
            for(CustomActivity__c ca : val){

        }// End public static void

    }// End class

Best Answer

Both CustomActivity__c and StudyTeam__c are children of Study__c, so you first need to get all the Study__c Records that are related to your list of CustomActivity__c records. You could do this with a set or map, I generally prefer maps, but it's not totally necessary here as your not really doing anything with the Study__c object, but I use a map anyway

map<Id,Study__c> studyMap = new map<Id,Study__c>();
for(CustomActivity__c cAct : val){
    studyMap.put(cAct.Study__c, null);
studyMap.putAll([Select Id, Name From Study Where Id In : studyMap.keyset()]);

So now you have a map of the Study__c objects that are parents to your CustomActivity records. The next thing you need to do is query the StudyTeam__c records that have any of your Study__c records as a parent.

list<StudyTeam__c> sTeamList = [Select Id, Name, Study__c, User__c From StudyTeam__c Where Study__c in : studyMap.keyset()];

So now you have a list of all the StudyTeam__c objects you need to check the User__c field against your new CustomActivity records.

In order to compare them, you need an elegant way to access a Study__c record, and all the associated StudyTeam__c User__c values, so I would use a map for this

map<Id,set<Id>> study2IdsMap = new map<Id,set<Id>>();
for(StudyTeam__c sTeam : sTeamList){
          study2IdsMap.put(sTeam.Study__c, new set<Id>();

Now you have a map that takes a Study__c object and returns a full set of all user IDs that are associated with a StudyTeam__c object. So now you just need to make sure the User__c field on your CustomActivity__c field is in that set, or else throw an error.

for(CustomActivity__c cAct : val){
          cAct.addError('YOU CANNOT DO THAT!!');

So then you just tie all the pieces together

public class CustomActivityUserValidation {

    public static void validation(List<CustomActivity__c> val) {

         map<Id,Study__c> studyMap = new map<Id,Study__c>();
         for(CustomActivity__c cAct : val){
            studyMap.put(cAct.Study__c, null);
         studyMap.putAll([Select Id, Name From Study Where Id In : studyMap.keyset()]);

         list<StudyTeam__c> sTeamList = [Select Id, Name, Study__c, User__c From StudyTeam__c Where Study__c in : studyMap.keyset()];

         map<Id,set<Id>> study2IdsMap = new map<Id,set<Id>>();
         for(StudyTeam__c sTeam : sTeamList){
               study2IdsMap.put(sTeam.Study__c, new set<Id>();

         for(CustomActivity__c cAct : val){
                cAct.addError('YOU CANNOT DO THAT!!');

    }// End public static void

}// End class
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