[SalesForce] Triggered Automation Studio: Data Extension Import Error

I am trying to import data into Data Extension via Triggered Automation Studio.

I have set up all necessary steps (Import definition, Triggered Automation Studio).
Then, I have uploaded into Exacttarget FTP my input file. Automation Studio has detected new file and started uploading, but it has completed with error…

But, if I go to Email – Data Extension – Records – Import and import manually, everything works fine.

What am I doing wrong?

Error message that I've received in my email:

The following import has been halted Wednesday, June 18, 2014 2:25:38

Name: probandoCargarDatosCliente Description: probando Carga rDatos
de Cliente External Key: probandoCargarDatosCliente Source:
new_3.txt Destination: Datos_cliente


Inserted: 0 Updated: 0 Duplicate Keys: 0

The following warnings were issued:

Warning: Import aborted in DsvFileSourceReader. One or more errors
indicating why the import was aborted may be logged to the
dbo.ImportError table.

Your import was not completed. Please verify that the parameters of
your import are correct, and that the file you are trying to import is
accessible by our system and contains valid data. If you have any
questions, feel free to contact your Customer Support Representative.

MID 1084844

Best Answer

We're having the same problem. Have the file transfer activity before the import but we're still getting an error at the import step. It provides basically no information:

The error occurred during Step 5 of 6:

 5.1 ImportDefinition : Import_Sent
       Status: Error
       Start Time:  7/3/2014 10:30 AM Central Standard Time (no DST)
       Error Time:  7/3/2014 10:30 AM Central Standard Time (no DST)

Any information on anyone who got this to work would be amaaazing.

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