[SalesForce] ui:input select on change event in lightning 3

I have gone through Many Links Sample- Link but couldn't get the answer. I Have a Sobject to be filled beforei hit the apex controller.
Structure in component is:

<aura:attribute name="newFeedbackObj" type="sObject" default="{
    'sobjectType': 'Feedback__c','Chose_Category__c':'' }"/>

<aura:attribute name="categoryList" type="String[]"/> 

And in doInit method i am fetching all picklist from the object using schema.

<ui:inputSelect label="Categories" class="slds-input" aura:id="feedback_Category"
                                labelClass="slds-form-element__label" change="{!c.onChangePickVal}">
                <aura:iteration items="{!v.categoryList}" var="s"> 
                    <ui:inputSelectOption text="{!s}" /> 

When compenent loads, all the picklists values comes correctly. Upon changing the value, i am calling a jsController as below.

    onChangePickVal : function(cmp){
            var selectCmp = cmp.find("feedback_Category");   
            console.log('selectCmp >>'+selectCmp);
    component.set("v.newFeedbackObj.Chose_Category__c", selectCmp.get("v.value"));
console.log('Selected Value>>'+selectCmp.get("v.value"));

But at the end, the chosen pick list value is not being sent. can someone plesae help me. I want to pass the selected value to sObject.

I even get the correct chosen value in by console.log "Selected Value>>". I just don't know how can i pass it to sObject.

Best Answer

@ItaiShmida Thanks for yur input but somehow it didnt worked. So as a last option i passed the Selected category as One of the Parameter to my Apex controller and then just before created it I changed the value of the object.

var action = component.get("c.createFeedback1");
action.setParams({"parmToBePassed":feedbackFrm , "selectedCat":selectedCat});

And in my apex Controller :

public static String createFeedback1(Feedback__c parmToBePassed, string selectedCat){
    parmToBePassed.Chose_Category__c = selectedCat;
    upsert parmToBePassed;
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