[SalesForce] Unable to override default “View” action

I'm trying to override the "view" action of a custom object, but unable to do so (and getting some odd error messages in the process.)

When the screen first appears, none of the three radio buttons are checked. If I try to select "no override" then I get the following with no additional clarification:

enter image description here

When I try to override with a lightning component (which is ultimately what I'm trying to achieve) then I get the message:

There were custom validation error(s) encountered while saving the affected record(s). The first validation error encountered was "Large is not a supported form factor.".

Any idea as to what's going on here and how I might fix it?

Best Answer

I encountered this on API v42.0 overriding the New Case action with a Lightning component, and ended up having to remove the <formFactor>Large</formFactor> section from the .object metadata. See this post for more details: Deployment - Error: You can't use the Large form factor with a Lightning component action override

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