[SalesForce] Unable to Perform SOQL Query Involving Lookup Field

I have a custom object (Registration__c) that has a lookup field (Approver__c) to the standard User object.

I'm trying to construct an SOQL query that will return the user's ID.

My assumption is that since it's a child to parent relationship, the query should be:

SELECT Id, Approver__r.Id
FROM Registration__c

However, running the above query results in "No such relation 'Approver__r' on entity 'Registration__c'."

What am I missing?


Query using 'Approver__c' returns "No such column 'Approver__c' on entity 'Registration__c'."

SELECT Id, Approver__c
FROM Registration__c

Here's a couple of screenshots showing the custom object (Registration__c) and custom field (Approver__c):

Registration__c custom object
enter image description here



Best Answer

If the field exists, and it is spelled properly, it is likely a permissions problem with the user running the query.

Also, if you wish to just get the Id of the related record, you can just do Approver__c instead of Approver__r.Id for simplicity.