[SalesForce] Unable to publish knowledge article in apex test class

I am trying to publish an article in my test code yet even with the exact code copied from the salesforce documentation nothing will allow me to publish an article. I have been working on this for days now and am always getting stuck on this step. Everything works if I allow it to run on test articles yet that isn't what I want.

Main Class (I want to be able to publish the knowledge articles so the second for loop which includes draft articles isn't used.)

    public class KnowledgeTopicUpdate {
    @InvocableMethod(label='Update the knowledge topics' description='Runs when you update a knowledge article and sets the topic based off of the Team.')
    public static void UpdateTopic(List<ID> Ids){
        List<TopicAssignment> TopicIDs = [select TopicId, NetworkID from topicassignment where EntityId = :Ids];
        List<Knowledge__kav> Knowledge1 = [select Id from knowledge__kav where team__c = :Ids and language = 'en_US' and publishstatus = 'online'];
        List<Knowledge__kav> Knowledge2 = [select Id from knowledge__kav where team__c = :Ids and language = 'en_US' and publishstatus = 'draft'];
            for(TopicAssignment TopicAssignment:TopicIDs){
                for(Knowledge__kav TotalKnowledge: Knowledge1){
                    TopicAssignment a = new TopicAssignment(TopicId=TopicAssignment.TopicId, EntityId=TotalKnowledge.Id, NetworkId=TopicAssignment.NetworkID);
                    insert a;
            for(TopicAssignment TopicAssignment:TopicIDs){
                for(Knowledge__kav TotalKnowledge: Knowledge2){
                    TopicAssignment a = new TopicAssignment(TopicId=TopicAssignment.TopicId, EntityId=TotalKnowledge.Id, NetworkId=TopicAssignment.NetworkID);
                    insert a;

Test Class

public class KnowledgeTopicUpdate_UT {
//need a knowledge article and a team and a topic assignment and need to create a topic assignment for the knowledge article based off of the team.
  static testMethod void MakeArticle() {
      contact newContact = new contact(RecordTypeId = '0120Y0000008qLvQAI', LastName = 'test', AccountID = '0010Y0000054qWDQAY');
      insert newContact;
      String contactId = newContact.Id;
      team__c newTeam = new team__c(Name = 'testTeam', Team_Manager__c = contactId);
      insert newTeam;
      String teamID = newTeam.Id;
      knowledge__kav newArticle = new knowledge__kav(Title='test',summary='xyz',urlname='xyz', team__c = teamID);
      topic newTopic = new topic(NetworkId = '0DB0Y000000CablWAC', name = 'test');
      insert newTopic;
      string topicID = newTopic.Id;
      insert newArticle;
      String articleId = newArticle.Id;
      TopicAssignment Topicass = new TopicAssignment(TopicId = topicID, EntityId = teamID, NetworkId = '0DB0Y000000CablWAC');
      insert Topicass;
      boolean archived = false;
      List<Id> Id = new List<Id>(new Map<Id, team__c>([select Id from team__c where id = :teamID limit 1]).keySet());
      KbManagement.PublishingService.publishArticle(articleId, true);
      if([select count() from topicassignment where entityid = :articleId] == 1){
          archived = true;
      system.assertEquals(true, archived);


System.InvalidParameterValueException: Invalid ID.
Class.KbManagement.PublishingService.publishArticle: line 5, column 1
Class.KnowledgeTopicUpdate_UT.MakeArticle: line 21, column 1

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Try to pass KnowledgeArticleId of your Article knowledge__kav. You might need to again retrieve the article record you have inserted and then Pass KnowledgeArticleId. In your case it will be :

knowledge__kav obj1 = [SELECT Id,Title,KnowledgeArticleId FROM knowledge__kav WHERE id =: newArticle.Id];

KbManagement.PublishingService.publishArticle(obj1.KnowledgeArticleId, true);
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