[SalesForce] Unable to update tracked array in LWC

For some reason, the push in the code block below is not updating the array. The console.log statement displays the array with 0 elements. I created a local array variable and pushed to it with no issues, so it seems that problem is pushing to a tracked variable in the LWC. Any thoughts?

import { LightningElement, api, track } from 'lwc';

export default class TPM_MS_MaterialSubcontractors extends LightningElement {

    @api matsubs;
    @api display;
    @track countries=[];
    @track addresses = [];

    constructor() {

    getAddresses() {
        let addressList = [
            {id: '1', address1: '123 Main Street', address2: 'Suite 100', city: 'Richmond', region: 'Virginia', postalcode: '23835', countrycode: '1'}

        addressList.forEach(element => {
            let addressString = element.address1 + (element.address2 === '' ? '' : ", " + element.address2) + ', ' + element.city;
            this.addresses.push({id: element.id, address: addressString });

    getCountries() {
        this.countries = [{value: '1', label: 'United States'}, {value: '2', label: 'United Kingdom'}, {value: '3', label: 'India'}];


Best Answer

This problem was resolved by removing the @track annotation.

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