[SalesForce] Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: t[Yn] is not a function in LWC

My for:each loop fails with this TypeError:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: t[Yn] is not a function
at i (aura_prod.js:3)
at n (/flexipageEditor/modules/c/eventWithData.js:4)
at mo (aura_prod.js:3)
at yr (aura_prod.js:3)
at bo (aura_prod.js:3)
at aura_prod.js:3
at To (aura_prod.js:3)
at cr (aura_prod.js:3)
at Array.ir (aura_prod.js:3)
at Bt (aura_prod.js:3)

The code looks like this:

<template> <lightning-card title="EventWithData" icon-name="standard:logging">
  <div class="slds-m-around_medium"> 
    <template if:true={contacts.data}> 
      <p>Gopal Singh</p> 
        <template for:each={contacts} for:item='con'> 
          <p key={con.id}>{con.Title}</p> 

Best Answer

You need to iterate over contacts.data:

<template for:each={contacts.data} for:item='con'>