[SalesForce] Unknown Property on Controller Extension

So I have a standard controller and an extension that I'm trying to use to call back a list from a different object to use in a PageBlockTable. In the visualforce page I declare my standard controller and extension:

<apex:page standardController="APM__c" extensions="APM_OpenChart" recordSetVar="apps">

Later on in my PageBlockTable I'm trying to pass the list from the extension using this class:

public with sharing class APM_OpenChart {

    public APM_OpenChart(ApexPages.StandardSetController stdController) {}

    public List<APM__c> spoofgrid(){
         List<APM__c> results = database.query('SELECT Name , BV_Result__c ,TV_Result__c FROM APM__c Limit 1');
        return results;

However, when I attempt to pass the values I get an unknown property error when trying to use the list from the extension.

<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!APM_OpenChart.spoofgrid}" var="token">

Best Answer

Change you method to getspoofgrid. Add get so it will be accessible in page

public List<APM__c> getspoofgrid(){
         List<APM__c> results = database.query('SELECT Name , BV_Result__c ,TV_Result__c FROM APM__c Limit 1');
        return results;

And in VF

<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!spoofgrid}" var="token">