[SalesForce] Unzip file activity doesn’t create any files but no errors found

I have created a Tracking Extract which generates a .zip file (annoyingly, despite having only one export type) which I am trying to extract and move into my Import folder to put into a Data Extension.

I have created a File Transfer activity which first moves the file from the safe house into my /import directory, and the another file activity which unzips my file.

I've ensured the pathway for unzip activity is correct, the automation runs without any failures but no file is found in my FTP server (in any folder), there should be a NotSent.csv file.

Edit: Added screenshots of unzip activity
enter image description here
enter image description here
I have tried using static names such as test.zip as well to ensure theres no issues with timezones.

Best Answer

I've also had this problem and solved it by running each activity manually to the base "Import" folder to confirm the files were being extracted and moved correctly.

The 3 activities needed to run a Tracking Extract process are:

  1. Data Extract (Tracking Extract)
  2. File Transfer (Safehouse to ExactTarget Enhanced FTP)
  3. File Transfer (Manage File - Unzip Compressed File)

Run your Data Extract and File Transfer activities to confirm a new .zip file has appeared in the "Enhanced FTP Site Import Directory" File Location (also known as the "Exact Target Enhanced FTP" or the Import folder on your SFMC FTP).

Once you've confirmed the .zip file has moved successfully, setup your File Transfer Activity as "Manage File - Unzip Compressed File". In the "File Naming Pattern" field, put the exact name of the .zip file as shown in your FTP. Don't put any folder hierarchy before the file name, and select "ExactTarget Enhanced FTP" as the "Source File Location".

Once you've confirmed the Unzip activity works (and outputs the files to the Import folder on the FTP) you can customize the file names/locations as needed.

Here is what our activities look like:
First - move the file from the SafeHouse:
Safehouse 1
Make sure record the file name & location you use - eg: Extract.zip & Exact Target Enhanced FTP Safehouse 2
Next, the activity to Unzip: ZIP Page 1
Note the file name & location used is the same as above - Extract.zip & Exact Target Enhanced FTP ZIP Page 2 I hope this solution also works for you.

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