[SalesForce] update records through a @future callout method inside a before/after update trigger fires

I have a trigger that fires when the address has changed on a record.
I make a callout to Google API to gain the longitude and latitude information that I then want to put inside of my record.
When I use database.update(sObject), I get an error that I cannot update inside of an update trigger so I would like to find a work-around for this.
This is the function that will perform the callout:

 @future(callout=true) public static void updateGeoLocation( Set<Id> objectsToUpdate, String objectAPI_Name, String longitudeAPI_Name, String latitudeAPI_Name, String streetAPI_Name, String cityAPI_Name, String countryAPI_Name, String zipAPI_Name )
    System.debug( 'get here?' );
    String placeHolder      = 'SELECT Id, {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5} FROM {6}'; 
    List<String> fillers    = new List<String>{ longitudeAPI_Name, latitudeAPI_Name, streetAPI_Name, cityAPI_Name, countryAPI_Name, zipAPI_Name, objectAPI_Name };
    String soqlQuery        = String.format( placeHolder, fillers );

    soqlQuery               += ' WHERE Id IN : ' + 'objectsToUpdate';
    List<sObject> sobjList  = Database.query( soqlQuery );

    System.Debug( 'number of thingies: ' + sobjList );

    for ( sObject sObj : sobjList )
        String street   = ( String )sObj.get( streetAPI_Name );
        String city     = ( String )sObj.get( cityAPI_Name );
        String country  = ( String )sObj.get( countryAPI_Name );
        String zip      = ( String )sObj.get( zipAPI_Name );

        String url              = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=' + sanitizeLocation( street, city, country, zip ) + '&key=' + Label.GeoApiKeyMassUpdate;
        googleMapsResponse res  = requestGeoLocation( url );

        googleMapsResponse.location loc = res.results[0].geometry.location;

        sObj.put( longitudeAPI_Name, loc.lng );
        sObj.put( latitudeAPI_Name, loc.lat );
    update sobjList;

Best Answer

Are you calling this in a before update trigger? Because it's not allowed to update the records being processed by the trigger by using a DML operation. Not sure if @future has any impact on this.

If you are doing it before update, try directly modifying the fields of the objects in Trigger.new, otherwise call this function only after update.