[SalesForce] Updating a record based on external id which are not unique

I have an external system that needs to update a record in my org.
This system only knows the external id, but the problem is that this external id is not unique, e.g. multiple records might have the same external id.
I would like to update only the most recently created record out of these with the same external is. When I try upsert, I of course get an error saying multiple records found.
Is there any way I work around this and achieve my goal?

Best Answer

Upsert depends upon the value of External ID fields being unique. If you choose to not make External ID unique, you cannot leverage this feature. This means that you would need to leverage external logic in order to perform the upsert operations. Either clean up your data, or use external logic. One potential solution could be to write a trigger to eliminate a previous External ID matching the record's value when it is inserted or updated; you'll still need to clean up data that existed before this trigger was implemented. Off the top of my head, your trigger might look like this:

trigger clearOldIds on Contact (after insert, after update) {
    Set<String> newIds = new Set<String>(); // All new ID values
    for(Contact record:Trigger.new)
    newIds.remove(null); // Ignore blank values
    Contact[] others = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE External_Id__c IN :newIds AND Id NOT IN :Trigger.new];
    for(Contact record:others) // Clear old IDs
        record.External_ID__c = null;
    update others;

This would probably work in most cases, but you'll need to clean up your data at least once for this to operate correctly.

Another solution would be to create a service that your external service could consume. Here's a primitive example that would cover this:

global with sharing class SystemUtils {
    global webservice void upsertLast(Contact[] records) {
        Map<String, Id> uniqueValues = new Map<String, Id>();
        Contact[] newRecords = new Contact[0], oldRecords = new Contact[0];
        for(Contact record:records)
        for(Contact record:[SELECT Id,External_ID__c FROM Contact WHERE External_Id__c IN :uniqueValues.keySet() ORDER BY SystemModStamp ASC])
            uniqueValues.put(record.External_Id__c, record.Id);
        for(Contact record:records)
            record.Id = uniqueValues.get(record.External_Id__c);
        for(Contact record:records)
        insert newRecords;
        update oldRecords;

I haven't implemented error checking, that'd be the last step, but this sort of code would conceivably work assuming there were no errors.

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