[SalesForce] Upload and download files/attachments

I am building a custom application in Salesforce using HTML. The user who logs into the application should be able to upload multiple documents and download the same once they are uploaded.

I want to know if its possible to achieve the same in Salesforce (similar functionality to the one we have in Gmail)? If yes, then where will these documents get stored?

Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

I found an answer to your question a couple if years back and it works well up to about a total of 5 megabytes for all of the files total. I do not remember the source but will look as I want to give due credit. I will add the controller, component, javascript and css fileto this post response. If you have additional question please let me know.

I added my own test code for controller and the custom objects in which I use this feature, so you will have to write some of your own test code. This example was old enough I was allowed to add the test code to the same class. Something we cannot do anymore. I used another utility class called TestConfiguration in which I call static methods to create objects for testing. There are many good sources on using this concept to manage creation of test objects.

I will find the source and add this information as I need to give due credit as much of this work is not my own.


`global with sharing class FileUploadController {

    global static String attachBlob(String parentId, String attachmentId, String fileName, String contentType, String base64BlobValue){
        parentId: The sfdc object Id this file will be attached to
        attachmentId: The record of the current Attachment file being processed
        fileName: Name of the attachment
        contentTye: Content Type of the file being attached
        base64BlobValue: Base64 encoded string of the file piece currently processing

        //If recordId is blank this is the first part of a multi piece upload
        if(attachmentId == '' || attachmentId == null){
            Attachment att = new Attachment(
                ParentId = parentId,
                Body = EncodingUtil.Base64Decode(base64BlobValue),
                Name = fileName,
                ContentType = contentType
            insert att;            
            //Return the new attachment Id
            return att.Id;

            for(Attachment atm : [select Id, Body from Attachment where Id = :attachmentId]){
                //Take the body of the current attachment, convert to base64 string, append base64 value sent from page, then convert back to binary for the body
                update new Attachment(Id = attachmentId, Body = EncodingUtil.Base64Decode(EncodingUtil.Base64Encode(atm.Body) + base64BlobValue));
            //Return the Id of the attachment we are currently processing
            return attachmentId;

   private static void testFileUploads(){

   //to add additional information to the account record iterate through the returned list before inserting     
   List<Account> accts = TestConfiguration.createAccounts('Account', 1);
   insert accts;

   //to add additional information to the course record iterate through the returned list before inserting 
   List<Course_Detail__c> courses = TestConfiguration.createCourses('Course', 1, accts);
   insert courses; 

   List<Course_Inspection__c> inspections = TestConfiguration.createInspections('Inspection', 1, courses);
   insert inspections;            

     //this has no coverage as is
    Blob bodyBlob=Blob.valueOf('Unit Test Attachment Body');
     FileUploadController fc = new FileUploadController();
     String result = FileUploadController.attachBlob(inspections.get(0).Id, '', 'test.js', 'javascript', bodyBlob.toString());

     List<Attachment> a = [Select Id, ContentType, Body, ParentId from Attachment where Id =: result];
     System.assertNotEquals(a.get(0), null);
     Blob newBody = EncodingUtil.Base64Decode(EncodingUtil.Base64Encode(a.get(0).Body) + bodyBlob.toString());
     String result2 = FileUploadController.attachBlob(inspections.get(0).Id, a.get(0).Id,'','',bodyBlob.toString());
     System.assertNotEquals(result2, null);   



Component (to be added to the page)

    <apex:component controller="FileUploadController"> 
    <apex:attribute name="parentId" description="The ID of the record uploaded documents will be attached to." type="String" required="true"/>

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{!$Resource.FileUploadCSS}"/>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"/>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="{!$Resource.FileUploadJS}"/>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var parentId = '{!parentId}'; //Will be used by FileUploadJS.js but must be declared here. Static resources don't support dynamic values.

    <div class="uploadBox">
        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="uploadTable">
                <td><input type="file" multiple="true" id="filesInput" name="file" /></td>
                <td class="buttonTD">
                    <input id="uploadButton" type="button" title="Upload" class="btn" value=" Upload "/>
                    <input id="clear" type="button" title="Clear" class="btn" value=" Clear "/>


var j$ = jQuery.noConflict();
    j$(document).ready(function() {
        //Event listener for click of Upload button

        //Event listener to clear upload details/status bars once upload is complete

    var byteChunkArray; 
    var files;
    var currentFile;
    var $upload;
    var CHUNK_SIZE = 180000; //Must be evenly divisible by 3, if not, data corruption will occur
    var VIEW_URL = '/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=';
    //var parentId, you will see this variable used below but it is set in the component as this is a dynamic value passed in by component attribute

    //Executes when start Upload button is selected
    function prepareFileUploads(){
        //Get the file(s) from the input field
        files = document.getElementById('filesInput').files;

        //Only proceed if there are files selected
        if(files.length == 0){
            alert('Please select a file!');
            return; //end function

        //Disable inputs and buttons during the upload process
        j$(".uploadBox input").attr("disabled", "disabled");
        j$(".uploadBox button").attr({
            disabled: "disabled",
            class: "btnDisabled"

        //Build out the upload divs for each file selected
        var uploadMarkup = '';
        for(i = 0; i < files.length; i++){
            //Determine file display size
            if(files[i].size < 1000000){
                var displaySize = Math.floor(files[i].size/1000) + 'K';
                var displaySize  = Math.round((files[i].size / 1000000)*10)/10 + 'MB';

            //For each file being uploaded create a div to represent that file, includes file size, status bar, etc. data-Status tracks status of upload
            uploadMarkup += '<div class="upload" data-status="pending" data-index="'+i+'">'; //index used to correspond these upload boxes to records in the files array
            uploadMarkup += '<div class="fileName"><span class="name">'+ files[i].name + '</span> - '+ displaySize+ '</div>';
            uploadMarkup += '<div class="percentComplete">0%</div>'
            uploadMarkup += '<div class="clear"/>';
            uploadMarkup += '<div class="statusBar">';
            uploadMarkup += '<div class="statusBarPercent"/>';
            uploadMarkup += '</div>';
            uploadMarkup += '</div>';

        //Add markup to the upload box

        //Once elements have been added to the page representing the uploads, start the actual upload process

    function checkForUploads(){
        //Get div of the first matching upload element that is 'pending', if none, all uploads are complete
        $upload = j$(".upload:first[data-status='pending']");

        if($upload.length != 0){
            //Based on index of the div, get correct file from files array
            currentFile = files[$upload.attr('data-index')];

            /*Build the byteChunkArray array for the current file we are processing. This array is formatted as:
            ['0-179999','180000-359999',etc] and represents the chunks of bytes that will be uploaded individually.*/
            byteChunkArray = new Array();  

            //First check to see if file size is less than the chunk size, if so first and only chunk is entire size of file
            if(currentFile.size <= CHUNK_SIZE){
                byteChunkArray[0] = '0-' + (currentFile.size - 1);
                //Determine how many whole byte chunks make up the file,
                var numOfFullChunks = Math.floor(currentFile.size / CHUNK_SIZE); //i.e. 1.2MB file would be 1000000 / CHUNK_SIZE
                var remainderBytes = currentFile.size % CHUNK_SIZE; // would determine remainder of 1200000 bytes that is not a full chunk
                var startByte = 0;
                var endByte = CHUNK_SIZE - 1;

                //Loop through the number of full chunks and build the byteChunkArray array
                for(i = 0; i < numOfFullChunks; i++){
                    byteChunkArray[i] = startByte+'-'+endByte;

                    //Set new start and stop bytes for next iteration of loop
                    startByte = endByte + 1;
                    endByte += CHUNK_SIZE;

                //Add the last chunk of remaining bytes to the byteChunkArray
                startByte = currentFile.size - remainderBytes;
                endByte = currentFile.size;

            //Start processing the byteChunkArray for the current file, parameter is '' because this is the first chunk being uploaded and there is no attachment Id

            //All uploads completed, enable the input and buttons
            j$(".uploadBox input").removeAttr("disabled");
            j$(".uploadBox button").removeAttr("disabled").attr("class","btn");

            /*Remove the browse input element and replace it, this essentially removes
            the selected files and helps prevent duplicate uploads*/
            j$("#filesInput").replaceWith('<input type="file" name="file" multiple="true" id="filesInput">');

    //Uploads a chunk of bytes, if attachmentId is passed in it will attach the bytes to an existing attachment record
    function processByteChunkArray(attachmentId){
        //Proceed if there are still values in the byteChunkArray, if none, all piece of the file have been uploaded
        if(byteChunkArray.length > 0){
            //Determine the byte range that needs to uploaded, if byteChunkArray is like... ['0-179999','180000-359999']
            var indexes = byteChunkArray[0].split('-'); //... get the first index range '0-179999' -> ['0','179999']
            var startByte = parseInt(indexes[0]); //0
            var stopByte = parseInt(indexes[1]); //179999

            //Slice the part of the file we want to upload, currentFile variable is set in checkForUploads() method that is called before this method
                var blobChunk = currentFile.webkitSlice(startByte , stopByte + 1);
            }else if (currentFile.mozSlice) {
                var blobChunk = currentFile.mozSlice(startByte , stopByte + 1);

            //Create a new reader object, part of HTML5 File API
            var reader = new FileReader();

            //Read the blobChunk as a binary string, reader.onloadend function below is automatically called after this line

            //Create a reader.onload function, this will execute immediately after reader.readAsBinaryString() function above;
            reader.onloadend = function(evt){ 
                if(evt.target.readyState == FileReader.DONE){ //Make sure read was successful, DONE == 2
                    //Base 64 encode the data for transmission to the server with JS remoting, window.btoa currently on support by some browsers
                    var base64value = window.btoa(evt.target.result);

                    //Use js remoting to send the base64 encoded chunk for uploading

                        //Proceed if there were no errors with the remoting call
                        if(event.status == true){
                            //Update the percent of the status bar and percent, first determine percent complete
                            var percentComplete = Math.round((stopByte / currentFile.size) * 100);
                            $upload.find(".percentComplete").text(percentComplete + '%');
                            $upload.find(".statusBarPercent").css('width',percentComplete + '%');

                            //Remove the index information from the byteChunkArray array for the piece just uploaded.
                            byteChunkArray.shift(); //removes 0 index

                            //Set the attachmentId of the file we are now processing
                            attachmentId = result;

                            //Call process byteChunkArray to upload the next piece of the file

                            //If script is here something broke on the JavasSript remoting call
                            //Add classes to reflect error

                            //Check and continue the next file to upload
                    //Error handling for bad read
                    alert('Could not read file');

            //This file has completed, all byte chunks have been uploaded, set status on the div to complete

            //Change name of file to link of uploaded attachment
            $upload.find(".name").html('<a href="' + VIEW_URL + attachmentId + '" target="_blank">'+currentFile.name+'</a>');

            //Call the checkForUploads to find the next upload div that has data-status="incomplete" and start the upload process. 

CSS File

        padding-left: 6px;
        float: left;
        max-width: 235px;
        overflow: hidden;
        position: absolute;
        text-overflow: ellipsis;
        white-space: nowrap;
        float: right;
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;
        border: 1px solid #EAEAEA;
        height: 11px;
        padding: 0 2px 0 0;
        background-color: #1797C0;
        float: left;
        height: 9px;
        margin: 1px;
        max-width: 100%;
        background-color: #CE0000;
        background-color: white;
        border: 1px solid #CACACA;
        border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
        margin-top: 6px;
        padding: 4px;
        background-color: #F8F8F8;
        border: 1px solid #EAEAEA;
        border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;
        color: #333333;
        font-size: 12px;
        padding: 6px;
        width: 350px;
        border-color: #CE0000;
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;