[SalesForce] uploading files in contentVersion using lightning component

I am developing a lightning component to upload files in the contentVersion object. I used this site as a reference:


I was able to successfully upload files up to 4 MB without chunking but I am facing an issue with large files(Size > 4MB).

Whenever I upload the file , it gives me the following error :

System.StringException: Unrecognized base64 character: %

I am attaching the code for my helper class and apex controller.

Helper Class :

    MAX_FILE_SIZE: 4 500 000, /* 6 000 000 * 3/4 to account for base64 */
    CHUNK_SIZE: 950 000, /* Use a multiple of 4 */

    readFile: function(component, helper, file) {
        if (!file) return;
        var reader = new FileReader();
        self = this;
        reader.onload = function() {
            var dataURL = reader.result;
            component.set("v.pictureSrc", "https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/sfdc-demo/image-placeholder.png");
            self.upload(component, file, dataURL);

    upload: function(component, file, dataURL) {
        console.log('uploading file ...');
         var fromPos = 0;
        var toPos = Math.min(dataURL.length, fromPos + this.CHUNK_SIZE);
        console.log('toPos  '+toPos);
        console.log(' fromPos '+fromPos);
        this.uploadChunk(component, file, dataURL, fromPos, toPos,'');

        uploadChunk : function(component, file, dataURL, fromPos, toPos,contentDocumentId){
            console.log('uploading chunk ');
             var action = component.get("c.saveTheChunkChatterFile");
            var chunk = dataURL.substring(fromPos, toPos);
            parentId: component.get("v.recordId"),
            fileName: file.name,
            base64Data: encodeURIComponent(chunk), 
            contentType: file.type,
            contentDocumentId :contentDocumentId
            var self = this;
             action.setCallback(this, function(a) {
            contentDocumentId = a.getReturnValue();
            console.log('return value '+contentDocumentId);
            fromPos = toPos;
            toPos = Math.min(dataURL.length, fromPos + self.CHUNK_SIZE);    
            if (fromPos < toPos) {
                self.uploadChunk(component, file, dataURL, fromPos, toPos, contentDocumentId);  
                component.set("v.message", "File Uploaded");
               component.set("v.message", "Uploading...");


Apex Controller :

public static Id saveChatterFiles(Id parentId, String fileName, String base64Data, String contentType)  { 
    system.debug('Saving chatter files '+fileName + ' '+ contentType);
    ContentVersion testContentInsert =new ContentVersion(); 
     testContentInsert.Title =fileName; 
    testContentInsert.PathOnClient='/' + fileName ;
     insert testContentInsert; 
    system.debug('testContentInsert.id '+ testContentInsert.id);
    testContentInsert = [select id, ContentDocumentId from ContentVersion WHERE Id =: testContentInsert.Id];
    ContentDocumentLink cl = new ContentDocumentLink();
    cl.ContentDocumentId = testContentInsert.ContentDocumentId;
    cl.LinkedEntityId = parentId; 
    cl.ShareType = 'V';
     cl.Visibility = 'AllUsers';
    insert cl;
    return testContentInsert.id;


public static Id saveTheChunkChatterFile(id parentId,String fileName, String base64Data, String contentType, String contentDocumentId){
        system.debug('saving chatter file');
    if (contentDocumentId == '' || contentDocumentId==null ) {
        system.debug('null id');
        contentDocumentId = saveChatterFiles(parentId, fileName, base64Data, contentType);
    } else {
        system.debug('not null id');
        system.debug('id '+contentDocumentId);
        appendToFileChatter(contentDocumentId, base64Data);

    return Id.valueOf(contentDocumentId);

public static void appendToFileChatter(Id contentDocumentId, String base64Data) {
 base64Data = EncodingUtil.urlDecode(base64Data, 'UTF-8');
    ContentVersion a = [
        SELECT Id, VersionData,ContentDocumentId
        FROM ContentVersion
        WHERE Id = :contentDocumentId

    String existingBody = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(a.VersionData);
    a.VersionData = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(existingBody + base64Data); 

    update a;

My aim is to upload large files(size > 10MB ) using a lightning component. Are there any alternative solutions?

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