[SalesForce] URL not working for Custom Button that directs to Visual Workflow

I have created a visual flow in Salesforce that automatically creates an opportunity, contact, opportunitycontactrole, and a custom object. The only trouble I am having is creating a Custom button to put on my Account page that returns the user (once they have clicked "finish" on the flow) to the opportunity that has been created from the flow. I have tried this:


and it just sends me back to the home screen in Salesforce.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can return the user back to the newly created opportunity from the flow?


Edit: 9/17/2014

Apex Class:

public class FlowFinishLocationController

    public FlowFinishLocationController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {


    public Flow.Interview.FSE_Lead_Flow flow { get; set; }
    public Opportunity opp {get;set;}

    public PageReference finishLocation 

            PageReference oppPage = new ApexPages.StandardController(opp).view();
            return oppPage;          

Visualforce Page (I have the standard controller set to Account since I need to click on the link on the account page)

<apex:page standardcontroller="Account" extensions="FlowFinishLocationController">
    <flow:interview name="FSE_Lead_Flow" interview="{!flow}" finishLocation="{!finishLocation}" />

Best Answer

You can do this if you embed the flow in a VF page using the <flow:interview> component and use the finishLocation parameter to define the URL (in this case the link to the newly created opportunity).

Since the URL will be dynamic, you'll also have to define a controller class that accepts the opportunity ID from the flow and uses it to generate the dynamic URL.

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