[SalesForce] User Trigger while changing the Chatter Profile Picture

The chatter profile picture url is saved in the User FullPhotoUrl field.

If we try to modify the picture/upload a new picture in the chatter profile image, the trigger in the user object is not triggered.

Is there any way to invoke a trigger when the chatter profile image is modified.

trigger UpdateChatterPicture on User (after insert, after update) { List<UserPhoto__c> lstInsertPhoto = new List<UserPhoto__c>(); List<UserPhoto__c> lstUpdatePhoto = new List<UserPhoto__c>(); List<UserPhoto__c> lstUserPhoto = new list<UserPhoto__c>(); Map<Id,UserPhoto__c> MapUserPhotoId = new map<id,UserPhoto__c>(); List<UserPhoto__c> lstAllUsrPhoto = new List<UserPhoto__c>(); lstUserPhoto = [select Id, Name, User__c, (select id from attachments) from UserPhoto__c where User__c in: trigger.newmap.keyset()]; System.debug('Trigger:lstUserPhoto='+lstUserPhoto); for(UserPhoto__c userphoto : lstUserPhoto) { MapUserPhotoId.put(userphoto.User__c , userphoto); } System.debug('Trigger:MapUserPhotoId='+MapUserPhotoId); for(User user : trigger.new) { if(Trigger.IsInsert && user.isIVExchangeUser__c == true) { UserPhoto__c photo = new UserPhoto__c(); photo.Name = user.Name; photo.User__c = user.Id; photo.PhotoURL__c = user.FullPhotoURL; lstInsertPhoto.add(photo); System.debug('Trigger:photo='+photo); } else if(Trigger.IsUpdate && user.isIVExchangeUser__c == true) { user oldUsr = Trigger.oldMap.get(user.Id); if (oldUsr.FullPhotoURL != User.FullPhotoURL) { UserPhoto__c usrphoto = MapUserPhotoId.get(user.id); usrphoto.PhotoURL__c = User.FullPhotoURL; lstUpdatePhoto.add(usrphoto); System.debug('Trigger:Updatephoto='+usrphoto); } } } try { insert lstInsertPhoto; update lstUpdatePhoto; } Catch(Exception ex) { } lstAllUsrPhoto.addall(lstInsertPhoto); lstAllUsrPhoto.addall(lstUpdatePhoto); System.debug('Trigger:lstAllUsrPhoto'+lstAllUsrPhoto); //calling class to insert attachment clsUpdateUserPhotoAttachment.UpdateUserPhotoAttachment(lstAllUsrPhoto); }

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Just reading the other question you posted where your objective is to actually display the chatter photo on a vf page on the portal.

I read you went down this custom object route coz the Api route wasn't playing ball.

You can use the solution in the blog you mentioned (http://blogs.developerforce.com/developer-relations/2011/03/accessing-chatter-user-pics.html) even with a session id, you don't need an oauth token.

To get a sessionId all you need is a login call which you can obtain using the Ajax toolkit http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/ajax/index.htm

Here's a bit of sample code that fetches the photo at page load and redirects to the url


<script src="../../soap/ajax/26.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript" />
<script type="text/javascript" >
window.onload = connectRemotely;

function connectRemotely(){
     var result = sforce.connection.login("USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM", "PASSWORD + SECURITY TOKEN");
     window.location.href = "https://c.XXX.content.force.com/profilephoto/USERID/F?oauth_token=" + result.sessionId;

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