[SalesForce] Using AMPscript in a Script Activity

We need to update a record in Salesforce using a Script Activity within an Automation. Ideally, I would like to use the AMPscript UpdateSingleSalesforceObject() function to achieve this as there is no equivalent function in SSJS.

I am aware that Script Activities only work with SSJS. I have tried including my AMPscript in a Content Area and getting SSJS to call it. For example:

<script runat="server">
    try {
        var stream = ContentAreaByName("my content area name");
    } catch(e) {

This works in an email, but does not appear to be supported in a Script Activity.

Does anyone know of a solution for this? The only solution I can think of is to create a Connected App in Sales Cloud and then use the Sales Cloud REST API to update the Salesforce record using an SSJS Post() function. I can do this, but would prefer not to, if I can avoid it.

Best Answer

Server-Side JavaScript gives us more flexibility. We can use Ampscript in Script Activities. I have used it. I am not claiming that this is the best solution, but we can do the same using some tricky way like this:

<script runat="server">

var sfUpdateString;
var subId = "abc123";   // Assuming subkey is available to process

sfUpdateString = '';
sfUpdateString = '%'+'%[SET @status = UpdateSingleSalesforceObject("Subscription__c","'+subId+'"';
sfUpdateString += ',"Opt_in_Email__c","0","Opt_out_Date_Email__c",Format(Now(),"yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"))]%'+'%'; 

Write(Platform.Variable.GetValue("@status")); // For display Status (testing purpose)


There are two main important steps :

Step-1. Create a string variable that contains Ampscript block like this

sfUpdateString = '';
sfUpdateString = '%'+'%[SET @status = UpdateSingleSalesforceObject("Subscription__c","'+subId+'"';
sfUpdateString += ',"Opt_in_Email__c","0","Opt_out_Date_Email__c",Format(Now(),"yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"))]%'+'%';

Step-2. Call SSJS function TreatAsContent to renders all included dynamic content.

Here is reference for TreatAsContent with SSJS

Write(Platform.Variable.GetValue("@status")); // For display Status (testing purpose)
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