[SalesForce] Using Async/Await in Lightning Components

I've been trying to use the Async/Await syntax in my LC's controllers/helpers, but I haven't been able to. All kinds of ugly errors appear, such as this:

Error:(1, 1) FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION - 0Ad9E0000009vA3: org.auraframework.util.json.JsonStreamReader$JsonStreamParseException: Invalid literal value [36, 21]: 'async': Source

They way I have been trying to implement this feature is:

myHelperMethod: async function( param 1 ){

Are you guys aware of any way of implementing it or is it not possible at all? Browsers do support it, which is what encouraged me, but maybe the framework doesn't allow it.

Best Answer

There is NO other option to define action handlers (client-side controllers, helpers or renderers) except with the function keyword:

    myActionHandler: function(component, event, helper) {
        // add code for the action

Handling Events with Client-Side Controllers

Using async function keyword anywhere in Lightning Components is not allowed, because currently, Lightning Components support only ES6 features, while async/await is an ES8 feature. Arrow functions => can be used as callbacks.