[SalesForce] Using Permission Set in Validation Rule

Currently I have this in a Validation Rule:

$Profile.Name <> "System Administrator"

I would like to add another condition that checks a Permission Set. I have found a solution that uses Custom Permissions and I followed the following steps:

1) Create the Custom Permission Set that needs to be referenced
2) Create a Custom Permission called the same name as the Custom Permission Set
3) Add the Custom Permission to the Custom Permission Set
4) Reference the Custom Permission as a Global Variable in the required Formula/Workflow Rules/Validation Rule ($Permission.Custom_Permission_Name).

So what does that look like in the Validation Rule? If I want to only allow System Administrators and members of my Permission Set to do change certain fields. . .

AND($Setup.Master_Automation__c.ValidationRulesEnabled__c == true, 
Locked__c == false, 
NOT( ISNEW() ), 
OR(ISCHANGED(ADCVD_Order__c), ISCHANGED(Investigation__c),ISCHANGED(Petition__c),ISCHANGED(Segment__c),ISCHANGED(Suspension_Agreement__c)),
AND( $Profile.Name <> "System Administrator",

Is that correct?

Best Answer

Technically, your new rule is just fine, but it could be optimized a bit to make it easier to read.

Strictly speaking, the $Profile.Name <> "System Administrator" is no longer necessary; you can add Custom Permissions to a Profile as well as a Permission Set.

You can reduce your code to just:


Note that I applied de Morgan's laws to convert the Locked__c and ISNEW from a NOT A AND NOT B to a NOT (A OR B); feel free to leave it the way it was if you don't understand how this works (or just trust that it does).

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