[SalesForce] Validation rule for picklist value

I am new to saleforce, I want to create a syntax for picklist field role_c is not 'PCG' value then rise message you are not allow to update add to client field.

ISPICKVAL(Share_With_User__r.WM_role_c, 'PCG')

This syntax for role = 'PCG',

How do you do not equals?

Best Answer

NOT(ISPICKVAL(Share_With_User__r.WM_role_c, 'PCG'))


On the right side you can see all the functions and you can see how they can be used. Double-click on them and they will be inserted into the rule criteria for you to modify them.

Check this link as well for more examples on how to build workflow rules. Also explanation and examples of all functions can be found here