[SalesForce] Visiting the reset password URL after password has been reset

We have a custom branded community set up, this includes branding all 'native' functions such as password reset as well. We accomplished this by enabling Chatter Answers and customizing the Change Password page this way. This works in a regular flow (call Site.ForgotPassword(), user receives email with link, link leads to branded page and user can reset his password)

The problem is that after he has reset his password, clicking the link again redirects to a standard Salesforce login page with a message saying login has failed (but which works to log in to the portal with the new password).

My question is: Can I change this page or fix the failed auto-login issue somehow?

Best Answer

So I logged this as a case with SF support and they have confirmed it as a bug.

I know its hard to believe but we have no control for the Salesforce generated URL for the second.

The URL is available and work for the first time reset , but second it become unknown and expired for the Salesforce, which makes a conflict condition where to land actually with expired automated URL. That is why it redirects us to Community URL/path/login?c=dynamic-session

Unfortunately, this is a badly designed functionality which need to take care by Salesforce communities team