[SalesForce] Visualforce Email Template

I'm trying to create vf email template.I 'm getting the below error

Error: Unknown property 'core.email.template.EmailTemplateComponentController.Opportunity'

for opportunity-Product and OSF Order Iems are related lists.

work around:

<messaging:emailTemplate subject="NA US Credit Check Notification" 

    <messaging:plainTextEmailBody >

    Hi COS team, 

    I have just Closed/Won the opportunity `{!Opportunity.Name}` related to the account `{!Opportunity.Account}`. 

    [Product2ID] - [BigMachines Part Number] - [Hyperion Code] - [OSF Order Item - Part Number]

    <apex:repeat var="cx"  value="{!relatedTo.Product2}">
        [{!cx.Id}] - [{!cx.BigMachines__Part_Number__c}] - [{!cx.Hyperion_Code__c} ] ]

    <apex:repeat var="xx"  value="{!relatedTo.OSF_Order_Items__c}">

    Please follow this link to access the Order Summary Form information: {!Opportunity.Link} 



Best Answer

Your relatedTo object is the Opportunity, so you should be referencing it as {!relatedTo.field}, not {!Opportunity.field}.

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