[SalesForce] Visualforce HTML Email Template – Ability to Edit Text in Preview Before Sending

I've created a Visualforce HTML Email Template with multiple language translations that is associated with a Case. When selecting the template, the customer service rep will occasionally need to tweak the text from the template. For example, if sending to multiple recipients, the text needs to be edited to the plural translation. They also tend to customize the content for the customer's specific issue. The problem is that the content from the HTML Visualforce Email Template is locked and cannot be edited before sending.

Upon initial investigation, this appears to be a limitation within the HTML Visualforce Email Templates and can be corrected by making them plain text. The problem is that we have a very specific design that is outward/customer facing that needs to stay intact. I've also heard solutions of using a custom merge field, but this only gives the ability to add extra text in a specific location. We also require Visualforce due to the Custom Label translations with Translation Workbench.

I'm specifically looking for any ideas or workarounds to be able to utilize a Visualforce HTML Email Template and provide the ability to edit the text in the preview before sending to the customer. Appreciate the assistance!

Here is an example of the Visualforce HTML Email Template:

<messaging:htmlEmailBody > 
    <!--Begin English (Default)-->
        <apex:outputPanel layout="block" rendered="{!OR(RelatedTo.Case_Language__c == 'en_US',RelatedTo.Case_Language__c == '',RelatedTo.Case_Language__c == 'UNKNOWN')}">
            Welcome back, {!Relatedto.Contact.FirstName}!<br/><br/>
            Lorem Ipsum
    <!--End English (Default)-->
    <!--Begin Dutch-->
        <apex:outputPanel layout="block" rendered="{!RelatedTo.Case_Language__c == 'nl_NL'}">
            Welkom terug, {!Relatedto.Contact.FirstName}.<br/><br/>
            Lorem Ipsum
    <!--End Dutch-->

Best Answer

This attribute contentEditable="true" is only an HTML attribute, so it enables you to edit the content of what is on an HTML page, but SalesForce doesn't know about your edits or send your changes out with the email.

Editable emails would really be nice, but VF e-mail templates don't seem to have that feature.