[SalesForce] Visualforce PDF and CSS overflow: hidden

I am trying to create a Visualforce page that renders as PDF. My problem is that I want to display as much of a rich text field as can fit. If I use overflow: hidden in my CSS, the text is displayed, but I get blank pages that would be where the additional content would go if it weren't hidden. I can even drag and select the hidden text on the PDF.

Is there a way to use CSS in a VF page rendered as PDF to actually cut the text off?

<apex:page renderas="pdf" standardController="Account" showHeader="false" applyhtmltag="false">
    @page { 
        size: 8.5in 11in;
        @top-right {
            content: 'Page ' counter(page) ' of ' counter(pages);
            font-style: bold;
    h1 {
        max-height: 200px;
        overflow: hidden;


Best Answer

Based on this SO answer it seems like you need to explicitly specify the width of the container.

enter image description here

<apex:page renderas="{!BLANKVALUE($CurrentPage.parameters.r, 'html')}" standardController="Account" showHeader="false" applyhtmltag="false">
    @page { 
        size: 8.5in 11in;
        @top-right {
            content: 'Page ' counter(page) ' of ' counter(pages);
            font-style: bold;

    span {
        border: solid 2px blue;
        display: block;

        overflow: hidden;
        width: 7in;